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If you have a dream, you have to at least try to live it. So, this is me, NUR AMALINA BINTI MAT. Lynn fr short . and i am 18:)


Monday, June 14, 2010

chapter 11:she's .................

hurm,dunno what to say..
tp akak nie dah mlampau sgt
aq xphm btol lah..

'do we know each other? :)'

'x kot!!! '

'so, then... what izzit about with the friend request? and all the "!!!"??? '

'its up to u lah!!!!!!!!!!!!! just reject!!!satisfied!!! '

'sengal ke ape ko ni.. org tnya bebaik, jwb nyer kasar2.. dh takde adab ke aper ko neh.. sendiri yg add, sendiri yang marah2... nama jer masuk maktab, tapi adab takder.. kat sekolah, cikgu tak ajar ker suruh hormat orang yang lagi tua? ingat sikit, ko tuh budak kecik, masih bersekolah. hormat sikit orang yang lebih tua. aku ade tengking ko ke kat atas neh. aku tnya baik2 "kite kenal each other ke?" siap dgn senyuman.. ko tgk balik cara ko jwb mcm mana... '

'k fine.. i'm sorry.. but ade cre kan nk tgor yg slh..akak, kte mnx maap..enough?? ckgu ajar klu buat slh kne mnx maap n sblom tdor kne maapkn sume org?? is it right?? '

'"akak, kte mnx maap.. enough??" = kalau tak ikhlas, tak pyh mintak maaf. sama jer klu tak mtk maaf. asking me whether it's enough or not, that's not the way to ask for forgiveness.nvm, i dont have time to entertain you. i have to go to work tmro. i saw that our mutual friends are ridza & rissa.Tmro, i'll ask this close cousins of mine, sapa ko neh..add aku tapi alih2 nak marah aku...
salam. '

'huh,, enough. reana ue mmber kte..xsmesti nye ape yg kte tlis ue sme ngan cre kte ckp an..ptotlh org ckp,, bek ckp je drpd text2 nieyh.. org xtaw cre kte ckp mcm mne.. kte xpnh pown niat nk mrh2 pown td.. so.. whatever.dah kte mmg ske ltk '!!!!' kat pghjung ayat.. its okay, klu bnde kecik pown nk libatkan org len, ssh r mcm nie,, ske ati larh... tnye je lah.. biar puas ati tuh.. gnekn lah reana n ridza untok taw psl kte,.. '

'"its up to u lah!!!!!!!!!!!!! just reject!!!satisfied!!!" = neh bukan marah2 tak tentu pasal ker? asking my cousins about you is nothing wrong.. it's just a question~ if you're not doing anything wrong, why do you have to say, "klu bnde kecik pown nk libatkan org len, ssh r mcm nie,, ske ati larh... tnye je lah.. biar puas ati tuh.. gnekn lah reana n ridza untok taw psl kte,.."? i'm not using anyone, i just want to ask them, why are you react like this...FYI, rissa is your friend but she's my cousin. apparently, we are much closer than your friendship. so there's nothing to do with "USING" them... '

'fine.. :D (trime dgn hti tbuke, ya allah mcm mne bule jdi mcmnie. bkn nie yg sy minta)'
(aq pown xingat mne aq jmpe fb dy add je)

p/s: buat reana n ridza, aq rse korg taw nie sape.. xtahan ngan gurl nie.. i know tht her english is more perfect than me, tp x bmkne dy leyh wat mcm ue.. ingat aq kcik xde hak sndiri r..
huh.. :D
not in mood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! s**t

never addin' people start now(fb)
serik siak aq!!!!!!!!! huh:S
perckapan x sme dgn ape yg kte tuliskn.. emosi stiap org tu xsme!!!

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