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If you have a dream, you have to at least try to live it. So, this is me, NUR AMALINA BINTI MAT. Lynn fr short . and i am 18:)


Monday, June 14, 2010

chapter 10

haritu kite jalan sekali,

best kn jalan smbil brgurau,

tp lg best ble awk kasi hadiah tu,

tu lah hadiah paling saye x boleh lupe,

senyuman manis awk,
esok2 bile sye xley jalan,

saye nk awk iringi sye,

mse nie sye dah xbole nk panggil awk mcm slalu,

awk yg kne dtg,

mse nie gak sye nkhadiah lg tp sye dh xnk snyuman awk tu,

sye nk Al-Fatihah.

awk bce kn ntok sye eh sbb sye dah xboley bce sndiri,


ble ade org ltk sye bwh papan,

awk jgn nanges dan cri sye sbb sye dah xbole tgur awk,..
janji okay. _ _ _ _ _ _.....

sye nk replay smething kat awk nieyh!!

people are like balloons,
if we let them go,
we cant get them back,
so i'm gonna tie u
to my heart
so, i will never lose u!!!!!~

p/s:mohd zuhair bin zakaria:D serius sdeyh mse bce text nieyh.. pstu awq tros blas mcet sy!! nape??

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