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Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

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If you have a dream, you have to at least try to live it. So, this is me, NUR AMALINA BINTI MAT. Lynn fr short . and i am 18:)


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

chapter 12:karate kid movie!!!

parallel aq ckp movie nie best gile!!!
huh.. jsmith..!! rugi sape xtngok..
da r ade lgu justin bieber!!!
pergh, agi r best., haha:D

so pity to see jsmith kne blateh gile2...
tp he's da best..
yeah, i know u can do it jsmith!!
nek pcah panggung aq tawe jerk sbb cite dy klakar r jgak..
dgn gelagat jsmith nie..
p/s:aili cepat gi ngok cite nieyh.. nnti nk ngok lagenda bdak setan plak.. klu smpat lah.. hehe:D

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