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If you have a dream, you have to at least try to live it. So, this is me, NUR AMALINA BINTI MAT. Lynn fr short . and i am 18:)


Thursday, December 9, 2010

chapter 101: PandaLikeSugarCane

ok3!! Tengok tu!! PAnda!! Comel?? *(Comelll!!)
The blogger owner is Hazimah Zainul a.k.a Ms Sugar Cane!!!
Ade ke na delete akaun Blogggg... Buat ape!! HHA.. tape2.. Just go on.. Sambong je lah Perjalanan cerita kau tuh!
Btw, aku tlong editkan Bloggg Minah nie.. Ape yg aq mmpu jelah kan iema! hha
Hurm, iema!! kau ckap kau tngah fanatic dgn Panda kan!! so, aq ltak lah gmbar Panda yang comeelll tu kat header kau! hha:D
Kepada Pembaca2 Bloggg aq *Grrr,, ade tak pembaca nieyh.. haha*
Sile lah follow Kawan kuh ini!!
*klik klik*

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