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Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

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If you have a dream, you have to at least try to live it. So, this is me, NUR AMALINA BINTI MAT. Lynn fr short . and i am 18:)


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

chapter 85:justin bieber-PRAY:)

ohh man!! JUSTIN BIEBER back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *new song..

Tepat jam 11:30am, aku memang dengar HITZ f.m... Jadi,,,, terdengar satu lagu nie, suara like JB, tapi asl macam besor benooo suara nyer.. HAAA,, tape2.. search kat youtube!!! JUMPE pown... JUSTIN BIEBER-PRAY:)


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