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Daisypath Anniversary tickers

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If you have a dream, you have to at least try to live it. So, this is me, NUR AMALINA BINTI MAT. Lynn fr short . and i am 18:)


Sunday, October 17, 2010

chapter 57

hurm!! nothing to say.. but *aq rindu kau lah!!!!!!!
aq rindu kau yg dlu.. yg happening, yg ske tman aq blek smpai mak aq amek.. even aq dah xjmpe kau lgi...

tp.. ape slah aq smpai kau x boleyh nk bg rspon yg sptotnye kat aq.. aq rse adegan dingin kte dlu tuh dah lme end.. happy ending ag an...??
tp skarg??

kkdg,,, ble pkir blek.. apsal lah aq *kapel ngan kau dlu.. agaknye klu x kpel,, xkn jd mcm nie kan..
maybe kte akan still mmber lagi.. rapat?? boleyh tahan lah jgak kan..
bnyak lagi kne punye kerja gile yg aq ingat.. gado psal bnde kcik mse kpel2 dlu.. *bodoh

and now.. i only wish that u'll give some good respons kat aq!!!
m******* a*** h*********:)
~i'm not a desperado girl~

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