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Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

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If you have a dream, you have to at least try to live it. So, this is me, NUR AMALINA BINTI MAT. Lynn fr short . and i am 18:)


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

chapter 42:12:00/09.09.10

'pantai klebang'
ronda2!!! yay!!! hehe:)
tngah2 onl9 ttbe ibu tnye
'nk kluar ark??'
'gi mne?'
'let's go!!!!!!!!!!'
hahah.. excited.. nk gi mkn *stimbot!! dah lme gile xmkn bnde ue... sdap!!! nyamnyam:p
sampai2.. pergh!! xnk rmai agi an org..
yucks! asp rokok!! huh,, bnci gile..!! ibu, jom blek.. xsuke bau tu,.. jln2 lgi..
huish,, sesak2 mcm nie pown smpat agi nak pelowk2..!! ko ingat nie kat 'tengah' jalan ke kao nk pelowk.. pastu halang laluan org.. *bungek.. akhir nye.. dpt jgak bli.. let's go back!!! haha.. dlm kete mlantak gile aku.. smpai rumah,,, pergh, busy body btollh.. xpyh jge *tpi kain mak aq boleyh x!!! semak btol lah.. ske ati aq lah rumah nak trang ke gelap ke.. ko kesah ape.. ske ati mak aq lah nk kuar mlm ke, nk tdo wktu mlm ke.. yg pnting ktorg x kacau idop kau lah..
beep~ngantoook!! gho~

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