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Daisypath Anniversary tickers

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If you have a dream, you have to at least try to live it. So, this is me, NUR AMALINA BINTI MAT. Lynn fr short . and i am 18:)


Friday, September 3, 2010

chapter 29:mao storyyy!!!

GBBB?? pe ue?? 'geng budak bajet baek'.. hurm,, sape yg branie ckp geng aq mcm nieyh!! biadap sungguh kamooo.. lek2 lu.. jgn cuak ngan ktorg.. tp ko biadap sgt asal..?? we're not complete 'baek', at least ktorg try to be 'baek'.. amcm?? mao join ktorg.. 'end jom'.. wah!!!!!! best gile ayt ko..!! lmak babat.. ko ingat snang2 ke?? pkir r dlu sblom wat ko bg reaction pape.. sblom aq mletooop!!! bek ko jge2.. terima kasih krana amek handout dgn 'lemah lembut+sopan santun'!!!

teacher, madam, sir, cikgu, ustazah!!! sume lah,..;D mohon maap ats stiap kslahan.. halalkan ilmu yg teacher, madam, sir, cikgu, ustazah bgi!! trime kaseh restu yg dberi..

happy merdeka!!

smpai mlaka pkol 5 lbeyh,, singgah dlu kat bazar.. bli mcm2..(lin, kwal nfsu anda) smpai umah pkol 6 lbeyh.. smyang asr dlu.. smpat agiyh!!! tunggu punye tunggu,, azan maghrib!!! haha.. buke sudah!! yummy knyang nyerk.. ibu ajk pgi teraweh,, 1st tyme traweh kat surau prumahn ue ntok taon nie.. weyh!!!! ngantok gile!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tahan punye tahan.. abes pown traweh!! alhamdulillah:D

hurm,, ari tu, ade buke pose kat hotel katerina!! tengs bg phak yg sponser tu!! mlm tu plak omrum kuh ade buat tyangan!! cite the soecerers apprentice!! best.. smart r cite nieyh!!

erk,, girl.. don't be hipokrit pliz!!! dpn ppuan ue ko baek gile lah kononnye.. blakang??? konon misi 8A!! mne??? mne?? huh, tlonglah.. dah lme simpan nieyh,, jgn smpai mletop kang.. abes ko...:(
ape ag?? xingat plak nk cite pe!! hehe:)

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