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If you have a dream, you have to at least try to live it. So, this is me, NUR AMALINA BINTI MAT. Lynn fr short . and i am 18:)


Friday, August 13, 2010

chapter 22:tudung aq??

comel kan dak kechik nie pkai tdong!!!?

huh? xpham btol lah..

mse aq xpkai tdong dlu xde pown org nk tego pasal tdong aq..

skarang ble dah mmg konfirm pkai tdong sbb takot dosa,

ade plak makhluk ALLAH g cbe ungkit pasal gmbar2 aq kat ms or fb yg dlu nye aq x pkai tdong!!!

hey!! dgr cnie,, evry people can change from bad to the best!!

ape maslah ko ngan tdong aq,??klu tdong aq xtgak, bleh kacau ko ke?? boleh rsak kn pemandangan ko!!!

ckp r btol2.. ko nk tgor aq, x mengagak!!

better ko tgor dlu org yg ko SAYANG!!!

xyh nk menyemak dlm idop aq!!

bkn nk bangge dri tp,

better dlu ko xpkai tdong tp skrg ko brubah pkai tdong..

drpd ko dlu pkai tudung skrg ko bkk tudung ue...

weyh!! sdar ckit dri ko ue..!!

im not telling my self vry perfect!!

but at least...............!!!!

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