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Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

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If you have a dream, you have to at least try to live it. So, this is me, NUR AMALINA BINTI MAT. Lynn fr short . and i am 18:)


Tuesday, June 8, 2010

chapter 1

today was a bad day..
bngon2 tdo, bkk ms, bce kmen yg xsdp dibce!! jaat btol lah!!!
herm, nk ilangkn buhsan yg t'lmpau kat umah sbb sorg2, so, follow ibu gi pjabat!!!
let see what i've done!!
smpai2 jerk, nvel nie yg aq cpai dlu.. PARALLEL that this nvel mmg seram gile!! sape yg x kuat
smangat xmo bce larh..

see!!!! only sej f2 je aq bkk ari nie.. bkk pown jer,, slebihnye lbih byk dgr lagu,.. huhuh

ibu,ibu.. dah xde keje ke nk buat!! haha:D just captured it remember it

look mum, i'm so fat!! cannot open my eyes tyme SMILE!!!

don't judge me if u don't know me!!!

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