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If you have a dream, you have to at least try to live it. So, this is me, NUR AMALINA BINTI MAT. Lynn fr short . and i am 18:)


Saturday, April 24, 2010

they call me WHAT???!!!

sume nie mle ngan ISRA!!!!!
mcm bongek punya isra..
ko dah r kaum penan.. laki ko ue..!! ske men SUMPIT!!!!

skali ngok gmbr nie,, ape yg korg pkir??? bongek punye isra.. mle2 dy pggil aq rmbot je.. sbb nme sorg mmt nieyh.. da r aq yg kne tempias nye.. kuang asam punye isra... drpd rmbot tros jd KUTU!!! biadap abes... dah si RABON AYAM, MOKTED, paan pown join sme pggil aq kutu!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sdey gile edop!!!

tp aq x sng2 nk lpaskn ko isra!!!!

nie kluarga ko!!! hahah.. SARAWAK!! PENAN!!! SUMPIT!!! ape lgi yg ko nk??? hahaha:D

hahha.. majorit an pggil ko penan an skrunk.. aq dah ade pngaroh.. hahahaha.. bgosss...

p/s: isra nseb ko lah!! hahah:D

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