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If you have a dream, you have to at least try to live it. So, this is me, NUR AMALINA BINTI MAT. Lynn fr short . and i am 18:)


Saturday, March 20, 2010

start new resolution!!!!

hurm,, sape ingat ag tyme nieyh!!! nie taon lpas r weyh...
kaitn kat cni adlh,, nek mktb ade skn!!!!
taon lpas aq dpt 3-3 gangsa!!! mse f1 1 emas, 2 gangsa..
taon nie???? dunno.. kte tgk je lah nnti.. jiwe aq dah xde r dlm skn nie..
i've out drpd team.. mlas punye psal lah.. training mcm gile,, sape nk pgi!!!!
acare aq, mcm besa r tiap2 taon..(aq sbnarye x ingat acre aq taon nie. haha>>3)
yg laen nye taon nie aq amek LOMPAT KIJANG.
wahahah.. bley ke aq buat(insyaallah).. 800m?? mle2 sbnanye aq kne amek 3000m.. pergh, bley tanggl kaki aq nieyh.. ceyh..!!! klu bley taon nieyh aq xnk weyh amek acre pape..
dak olhraga byk kat dlm umah skan aq, KASTURI.. kte tgk ksturi taon nieyh bley mng ape!!!

p/s:just wait n see sygs!!!

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